It started with

a dream of flying

It led to thousands of hours at the controls

I now help others experience

the thrills of piloting

I have a wide-ranging experience with:


INCLUDING some experimental (E/AB)…

I am now working as a CFI-I for Professional Instrument Courses, aka PIC, as an independent instructor. I now work one-on-one with PIC clients who want to get their instrument rating, in THEIR AIRPLANE, at their location, wherever they live, in the US. No international clients.

I am also STILL AVAILABLE, to work with pilots who are in need of training for any of these reasons;JohnMahany2023

  • Check ride prep for any other rating; PPL, Comm’l; MEL, CFI etc.
  • Finish up training for any other rating; PPL, Comm’l, MEL, CFI etc.
  • FAA Wings Proficiency Training
  • FAA Required high-performance, complex and tail-wheel endorsements
  • Avionics training
  • Intimidated by busy airspace and ATC? I can help you with that.
  • Intimidated by short runways and/or high elevation airports? I can help with that.
  • Anything else you might need. 43 years’ experience as a CFI.

I have wide-ranging experience over the years flying; Beechcraft, Cessna, Cirrus, Mooney, Piper, and many others, including some experimental (E/AB) aircraft. Please see my About page for more information on the aircraft I’ve flown.

The PIC  10-day course is designed for busy professionals, who are also aircraft owners, for whom it is hard to find time to complete the training required for the instrument rating. 

So, an instructor, like me, who is a long-time, experienced CFII, travels to YOUR location to work with you, one-on-one, in your airplane, using an FAA approved syllabus. This course is designed to get you through the training in as little as 10  days, training 8 hours a day if needed.  

So, yes, you will have to put work or other commitments temporarily on hold, or rearrange as necessary, to complete the training. It is intense, but for some busy professionals, this is the only way to complete the training required for the instrument rating. 

It may be possible for you to complete the training in less than ten days if you have already started training but then things (life) got in the way, and the training has been put on hold or delayed for some reason. Or maybe your CFII has moved on to an airline or other flying job. PIC also has a desktop ‘trainer’ or simulator that you will be using for the initial portion of the IFR training, to learn your scan and many other procedures, before getting into the airplane. This is very efficient and saves lots of time and money. You can start and stop a trainer at any time, for any reason and discuss what’s going on. And repeat. This is an excellent tool!  

PIC has been in business since 1980, so they have a system that WORKS! They have successfully trained 1000’s of instrument pilots in that time. I am one of PIC’s instructors, based on the west coast, in Southern California. 

If you want to work with myself as your instructor for your instrument rating, or for an IPC if your IFR currency has lapsed, please contact PIC and request me as your CFII. They will take it from there.Go then go to either the Contact Information button on the menu at the top on the right, and put my name in the ‘how did you hear about us’ at the bottom, OR the ‘Get more information’ tab on the right side. 

Recent Student Comments

“I think you’re a good teacher, know airplanes well, and have a strong knowledge base for IFR flying. I easily passed the oral exam and the PIC information was very relevant to the oral exam.  I enjoyed talking about different airplanes with you, and it was great to learn about different airplane designs, pros, cons, etc.”

-Ben, IFR 10 Day Course Student In a Mooney M20C

‘Yes, the training was good. I would’ve like to learn more on the usage of the Aspen and 530/430 but other than that yes I’m happy.”

-Garrett, IFR 10 Day Course Student In a Cessna 185