Tailwheel Training
Course Syllabus
This is a 5 – 10 hour syllabus, depending on student’s proficiency and basic stick ‘n rudder skills.
Classroom Lesson 1
Ground discussion; discuss and review the basic differences between tail-wheel and tricycle gear aircraft. This includes but is not limited to; CG difference and ground handling; how flight controls are positioned on the ground to account for the wind, the view from the cockpit is different. ‘S’ turns while taxiing, and so forth.
Airplane Lesson 1
Sit in the airplane; the view from the pilot’s seat; point out where to look, and how it looks. Start up and taxi. How to taxi on the ground. ‘S’ turns, etc.
Low speed taxi, high speed taxi, learning to keep control. The importance of tracking straight ahead…not wandering left or right.
Takeoffs – techniques used; calm wind vs. crosswind, grass vs. hard pavement.
Flight – review of basics; steep turns, power on and power off stalls, slow flight, the view from the cockpit. If tandem seating (Citabria), adjusting to the view. Getting the feel of the airplane during slow flight and stalls. Sensitivity and responsiveness.
Landings; wheel landings vs. 3 point, which to use when. Preferably start with grass or turf/dirt runway, more forgiving. Low passes work well for getting the feel of it.
Cross wind vs. no wind landings. Flaps vs. no flap landings. Slips vs. crab.
Lesson 2
Review taxi, takeoffs, review ‘airwork’ as necessary, pattern for landings. Full stop landings. Depending on students proficiency and progress, both 3 point and wheel landings.
Lesson 3
Introduce rejected takeoffs, go-arounds, recovery from botched landings. Review pattern work and takeoffs/landings, normal and crosswind if possible. This will be continued until proficiency is demonstrated. Also, both 3 point and wheel landings will be practiced as conditions permit.
Lesson 4
Rreview of lesson 3 and work on proficiency until ready for endorsement.